My Fair Lady

You can be beautiful even if you are dark, and unattractive even if you are fair. So why lay such a premium on fair skin.

Why is it so important to be fair
We all know women who are beautiful even if they are not light skinned, and we all know fair skinned girls who are unattractive. Still, all of us spend hours trying to lighten our skin and on wishing that we had lighter skin, and thousands of rupees on products that claim to lighten our skin.
More damaging than the time and money spent, is the inbuilt belief that you are in some manner inferior because you are not 'fair'.
Girls with dark complexions grow up wishing that they had lighter skin, and often develop an inferiority complex. Thankfully, for some, this complex vanishes as they grow older and wiser and discover numerous abilities and talents, but sadly, others never seem to be able to let go of the feeling of inadequacy. Not surprisingly though, when you take a look at any matrimonial ad, and the text will in all probability say looking for a convent educated, fair, beautiful girl And considering that our entire culture evolves around marriage, fair women suddenly seem to command a premium.
Any wonder then that a girl with dark skin will want to lighten it
Beauty companies feed off this inbuilt insecurity, and make millions as they sell their fairness creams to women. The ads make it seem so easy if you transform yourself into a fair skinned woman, you will get the job you want, and the man you want. Needless to say, it's not that easy, and no matter what you believe at the moment, the color of your skin should be the lowest on your list of beautification priorities. Concentrate the time, effort and money that you would on trying to get fair, on something else, and the results would be far more satisfying.

Here are some tips:

Its a mistaken belief that if you have dark skin, you should not color your hair light. Nothing is further from the truth. Don't hesitate before adding blonde highlights. They brighten up your complexion, making you look radiant.
Take care of your hair, and ensure it is always well groomed.
If you don't have the time or patience for blow-drying your hair regularly, get your hair premed. If you are light skinned, you can get away with sporting frizzy hair, but if you are dark, with dark, frizzy hair, coloring it and then blow-drying it straight even if you don't opt for chemical straightening, can make a world of a difference.
White and red suits dark skinned women, so wear these colors often. I know many women whose entire wardrobe consists only of 2-3 colors, because they know what colors suit them, and don't see the need to wear anything else. You could also figure out what colors don't suit you, and stay away from them. There is really no need to possess a top in every color under the sun. If you have the features, cut your hair short (think Halle Berry). Not everyone can carry off hair this short, but if you can, go for it, as short hair that looks good looks far more effective and attractive than long hair.

Do fairness creams work

They do, to a certain extent. Don't fool yourself into believing that they will make you fair. They will, at the most, lighten your skin slightly, but glowing skin will only come from within. Exercise regularly, and before long your skin will start glowing with health and vitality and a glowing, healthy skin beats light, pale and unhealthy skin any day!

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